LINDEN, TN 37096
1. FERPA Rights, Page 2
2. Special Education Services. Page 3
3. Grievance Procedure, Page 3
4. 504 Policy, Page 5
5. Non-discrimination Policy, Page 5
6. ESEA Notices (formerly NCLB), Page 5
7. Family Engagement Policy, Page 6
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the students education records. They are: (1) The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the school system receiving a written request for access. (2) The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believe are inaccurate or misleading. The school system will notify the parent or eligible student of the right to and procedures for a hearing if the district decides not to amend the record as requested. (3) The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent; one exception which permits disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interest. A school official is a person employed by the school system as administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff members (including health and Medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom the District has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist: or a parent of student performing his or her tasks). A school official has a legitimate interest if the official needs to review and education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
Types of Information
The school system maintains a number of different records in various locations. Essentially, these records contain eleven (11) categories of information:
1. Attendance. 2. Scholastic record. 3. Group test results (a) academic achievement, (b) aptitude, (c) interest, (d) writing assessment. 4. Individual data (a) psychological record, (b) social case work reports. 5. Medical and dental health. 7. Student attitudes and behavior. 8. Discipline. 9. Emergency contact information. 10. Special testing results (speech & hearing screens). 11. Directory card information.
Directory Information
The following information regarding students is considered directory information: name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student.
Directory information may be disclosed by the Perry County School System for any purpose of its discretion, without consent of a parent of a student or an eligible student. Parents of students and eligible students have the right however, to refuse to permit the designation of any or all of the above information as directory information. In that case, this information will not be disclosed except with the consent of a parent or student, or as otherwise allowed by FERPA.
Any parent or student refusing to have any or all of the designated directory information disclosed must file written notification to this effect at the Perry County Board of Education on or before the 30th day of September, 2013. In the event a refusal is not filed, this institution assumes that neither parent of a student or eligible student objects to the release of the directory information designated.
Location and Authorized
The primary source of access to most records is the elementary or secondary school in which a student is enrolled. The principal is the authorized custodian for these records. Records pertaining to disciplinary hearings and suspensions are maintained in the Perry County Board of Education office. Special education records for active eligible students are located in the school where the student is enrolled and are maintained by the school principal. Inactive special education files are located at the Perry County Board of Education and are regulated by the Supervisor of Special Education.
A complete list of all records maintained, along with locations and authorized custodians, is on file at all Perry County Schools and is available for inspection.
Students who have been certified and determined eligible may receive special education services. This is to inform you of the range of special education services that are available through the Perry County School System.
1. RESOURCE CLASSES - available K-12 to provide services in the basic skills areas (reading, math, English).
2. SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY - available grades K-12 and preschoolers (3, 4 & 5 year olds).
3. ENRICHMENT CLASSES - the classes are made available to students who meet the criteria to be certified as intellectually gifted. An Honors Program is available at Perry County High School.
4. COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT CLASS and EXTENDED RESOURCE - available K-12 to provide comprehensive service in all academic areas.
5. HOMEBOUND SERVICES - available preschool through grade 12.
6. PRESCHOOL EDUCATION PROGRAM - available 3, 4 & 5 year olds. A FREE SCREENING CLINIC is also available each summer; however, referrals may be made at any time.
7. PSYCHOLOGICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATIONS - these services are available for students who may be referred by teachers, principals, or parents.
These services are free to students who attend Perry County School System. If you need more information or know any child ages birth - 21 who may need special services, please contact the Perry County Board of Education, 857 Squirrel Hollow Dr., Linden, TN, 37096. Phone 931-589-2102.
Section 1
1. A “Grievance” is an alleged violation of any policy, procedure, or practice which would be prohibited by Title VI, Title IX, or Section 504
2. The term “grievant” includes any student or group of students of the Perry County School System who submit a grievance relevant to Title VI, Title IX, or Section 504.
3. The term “days” shall mean any school attendance day and shall exclude Saturday, Sunday, or any holiday.
Section 2
1. Step One
Efforts must first be made by the grievant to resolve the differences with the person or persons responsible for such alleged discrimination or mistreatment.
2. Step Two-Principal
In the event a complaint cannot be resolved as provided in (1) above, the grievant must contact the Title VI, Title IX or Section 504 Coordinator who will make arrangements for the grievant to present the grievance orally to the principal of the school. The Coordinator must be contacted within three (3) school days after a solution has been attempted and failed or seven (7) school days after the alleged discrimination or mistreatment. Within five (5) school days after presentation of the grievance, the principal or immediate supervisor shall orally answer the grievance to the grievant and the Coordinator.
3. Step three-Director
a. Within five (5) days of the oral answer, if the grievance is not resolved, it must be submitted in writing to the Coordinator and signed by the grievant. A copy will be submitted to the Office of the Director of Schools.
b. The grievance shall (1) name the employee or student involved, (2) state the specific nature of the grievance and (3) indicate the specific relief.
c. The Director with the Coordinator present shall hear the grievance within ten (10) school days after a receipt of any written grievance properly filed with the Director’s office and shall render the decision in writing ten (10) days after such hearing.
d. The grievant and/or person accused of discrimination of mistreatment may bring legal counsel or an advisor to the hearing. Legal counsel will not be permitted to speak for their client and may act only in an advisory capacity.
e. The grievant, the respondent and the Coordinator shall be furnished a copy of the decision of the Director.
4. Step Four-Board of Education
a. If the grievance is not resolved in step two, the grievant may notify the Coordinator of his/her intent to appeal to the Perry County Board of Education. This must be done within ten (10) school days of receipt of the Director’s answer. The Coordinator shall arrange a date for the hearing before the Board of Education and notify the grievant, the respondents and the members of the Board. This shall be done no later than (10) days after the notification of appeal.
b. The Board shall render its decision in writing within (10) school days after such hearing.
c. The grievant, the respondent, the Director and the Coordinator shall be furnished a copy of the Board’s decision.
d. The decision of the Perry County Board of Education shall be final. The grievant seeking further relief must resort to the Courts.
Section III
Failure To Observe Time Limits:
In the event the grievant fails to exhaust the remedies under the grievance procedure provided above, or to abide by the time limits with respect to each step, the grievance shall be presumed to be abandoned. In the event that the respondent, or any party obligated to answer the grievant, fails to give its answer to any step within the time limits prescribed, the grievant shall have the right to proceed immediately to the next step. Any time limit may be extended by the Coordinator.
Section IV
Effect of Settlement
Any settlement of a grievance shall be applicable to that grievance only and shall not be binding authority for the disposition of any other grievance. The above grievance procedure shall be available to any student or teacher of the Perry County School System.
Section V
a. No record of the grievance shall be entered in the permanent files of the student or employee.
b. Records shall be kept of each grievance and will be confidential
c. No person shall be subject to discharge, suspension, discipline, harassment, or any form of discrimination for having used or assisted others in using the grievance process.
The Perry County School System provides special education and related services, and special accommodations to children who are disabled. Under state and federal laws, public schools are required to provide a free, appropriate, public education to all children who are disabled between the ages of three and twenty-two, and may not, on the basis of disability, discriminate against these children.
The memorandum is part of an effort to locate and serve those children who may need special education and related services, and/or accommodations. If you know of a child, three to age twenty-two, who may qualify for, and is not receiving available services, please call or write: Gil Webb, 931-589-2102, 504 Coordinator.
Transfer Option of Students Victimized by Violent Crime at School
Under the Tennessee State Board of Education’s Unsafe School Choice Policy, any public student who is the victim of a violent crime as defined under Tennessee Code Annotated 40-38-111(g), or the attempt to commit one of these offenses as defined under Tennessee Code Annotated 39-12-101, shall be provided an opportunity to transfer to another grade-level appropriate school within the district. Additional information regarding this option may be obtained by contacting Eric Lomax, Director of Schools at 931-589-2102.
It is the policy of the Perry County School System not to discriminate on the basis of sex, race, nation origin, creed, age, marital status, or disability in its educational programs, activities, or employment policies as required by Title VI and VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the 1971 Education Amendments, and Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1978.
It is also the policy of the district that the curriculum materials utilized reflect the cultural and racial diversity present in the United States and the variety of careers, roles, and lifestyles open to women as well as men in our society. One of the objectives of the total curriculum and teaching strategies is to reduce stereotyping and to eliminate bias on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, religion and disability. The curriculum should foster respect and appreciation for the rights, duties and responsibilities of each individual as a member of a pluralistic society.
Inquiries regarding compliance with Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504 may be directed to:
Nelda Hinson, 589-2102, - Title IX
Gil Webb, 589-2102, - Section 504
Nelda Hinson, 589-2102, - Title VI
Address for all contacts: Perry County Schools
857 Squirrel Hollow Dr.
Linden, TN 37096
· A parent who wishes to request that their child’s name, address, and telephone number not be released to a military recruiter must do so in writing to the appropriate school principal at the beginning (prior to September 1) of each school year.
· Parents will be informed of their child’s eligibility for service in specific programs (if applicable) including : Title 1-Part A; Migrant-Title 1-Part C; Homeless-Title 1-Part D; Title III
· Parents may request professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teacher and/or paraprofessional at the beginning of each semester by contacting the Perry County School System Supervisor of Instruction at 931-589-2102.
· According to the No Child Left Behind Highly Qualified requirements, the parent will receive written notification if the student is assigned to a teacher employed over four weeks who does not meet highly qualified requirements.
· Parents of children in school identified for school improvement (if applicable) by the State Department of Education will receive written notification of right to choice, supplemental services and more effective involvement.
The Perry County School District has developed this Family Engagement Policy thru a collaborative effort of parents, students, civic leaders, and school personnel. This policy will meet State and Federal guidelines under the No Child Left Behind requirements.
Policy and Law Descriptive
The Perry County School District agrees to implement the following requirements that have been issued from the NCLB federal mandate, Tennessee Code Annotated, Elementary Secondary Education Act, and Title I, Part A. Policy Guidance came from Title I, Part A (4/23,2004), State of Tennessee-Public Acts Section 1 of Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, Chapter 2, Part 3, amended by Section 49-2-305, and Section 118(a) (2) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
· The involvement standards have been developed to:
· Specify what needs to happen at the district, school, classroom, and home levels;
· create expectations necessary for success;
· increase and improve the family member involvement in their child’s education;
· create a common vision of family involvement across the district;
· improve communication for all four level
The school district will operate by the definition of parental involvement or family engagement. Schools are responsible for the implementation of programs, activities, and procedures.
By Definition
Family engagement and/or parental involvement means the active two-way communication with families that is regular, timely, and meaningful; carry out activities as described in NCLB, Title I, ESEA, board policy, etc.; inform family and parental organizations of the purpose and existence of the Resource Center; and encourage parents to be actively involved in their child's education at school. Being an integral part of their child's success, the parent, when appropriate, will: assist in decision making and on advisory committees, be an encourager to their child, and be supportive to the school.
The Board shall implement the following as required by federal and state legislation. The School District will: a) put into operation activities and procedures for the involvement of parents in all of its schools with meaningful consultation; b) incorporate activities and strategies that support the family and community engagement policy into its Title I Schoolwide Plan. The plan will: 1) include procedures by which parents may learn of their child's learning material and course of study; b) include strategies designed to improve parent participation and teacher cooperation in homework, attendance, and discipline; c) include parent comments if not satisfactory to the parents; d) to the extent practicable, shall provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children, including providing information and school reports in an understandable and uniform format and including alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language parents understand; e) shall appoint a Family and Community Advisory Council that will annually assess, through consultation with parents, the effectiveness of the Family and Community Engagement Program and determine what actions need to be taken, if any, to increase parental and community participation. In order to accomplish this, each Advisory Council shall be composed of representatives from parents of students in elementary, middle and high schools, community leaders, business leaders, a member of the school board, and representatives from the school district; f) shall ensure Title I schools are in compliance with the Elementary and Secondary Education act (ESEA).
The Perry County School System agrees to implement the following requirements: 1) The Perry County School District will take the following actions to involve parents and the community in the joint development of its district-wide parental involvement plan under section 1112 of the ESEA, and in the process of school review and improvement under section 1116 of the ESEA: a) Advisory Committee meetings; b) parent surveys; c) newsletters; d) home visits; e) parent/teacher conferences; f) annual school meetings. 2) The Perry County School District will coordinate and integrate parental involvement strategies in the following programs: Head Start, Title I Reading, Accelerated Reading, by: a) home visits; b) parent training techniques; c) advisory council meetings; d) school visits/open house; e) surveys; f) newsletters; g) progress reports; h) all programs scientifically-based researched applied; i) professional development. 3) The Perry County School District will provide technical assistance; professional development and other support to assist schools in planning and implementing effective parental involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance: a) advisory committee; b) central office staff; c) consultants (regional/private); d) resources (TEA, LRE, etc.). 4) The Perry County School District will further coordinate and integrate parent involvement strategies under the following programs: Head Start, Special Education Preschool, and Grant-funded preschools: a) advisory council meetings; b) surveys; c) newsletters; d) school visits; e) home visits. 5. The Perry County School District, with involvement from the community and parents, will conduct an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of this parent involvement policy. The evaluation should identify barriers to participation and involvement. Areas of concern are: economically disadvantages, limited English proficient, racial/ethnic minority background, and at-risk students. Policy will be revised, if necessary, after findings have been discussed and reviewed. A) Process of evaluation: annual surveys, Advisory Council, newsletters, annual meetings, comments/feedback; b) Parent/community Evaluations: completion of surveys, attend meetings/parent conferences, attend annual meetings, attend school policy meetings, participate in developing, implementing, and revising parent involvement policy; c) Responsible parties: Advisory Council, Head-Start Director, School principals/staff, community leaders, Federal Program Director, Central Office staff. 6) The Perry County School District will improve parent and community engagement by creating support and a partnership among the schools involved in order to improve academic achievement. The following activities will be incorporated: a) With assistance from the schools, the school district will provide training and materials to help parents work with their children to improve academic performance; such as Reading and Math Intervention, Accelerated Reading, Accelerated Math, using technology, science fairs, and Family Reading Night, as appropriate, to foster involvement by: newsletters, progress reports, annual meetings, home visits/phone calls, training sessions, proper technology training, school specific training. b) With assistance from the schools, the school district will provide appropriate avenues for parents and community to familiarize themselves with topics that affect the academic success of their children. Topics may include: TCAP testing, grade-level content standards, grade-level requirements, monitoring, alternate/state/local assessments, parent/teacher collaboration, parent/community engagement meetings, workshops, annual meetings, newsletters/newspaper articles, professional development. c) The Perry County School District will provide opportunities for staff, teachers, and support personnel to attend programs that train personnel in proven methods that will improve parents and community engagement: staff development, professional development, and institute training. d) The school district will coordinate efforts with community agencies to aid in the development of a community resource center to integrate parent involvement programs into Head Start, Preschool, and other programs, and solicit more participation into their child's educational well-being; advisory meetings, newsletters, program visits, local paper articles and pictures, continuous feedback (communication), and local training. e) The School District will take steps to inform parents, progress, and other stakeholders of meetings and other related activities. To the extent feasible, information will be sent out timely, uniformly, practicable, and in a language that parents can understand: newspaper, newsletter, progress reports, district web page, and phone center.
LINDEN, TN 37096
1. FERPA Rights, Page 2
2. Special Education Services. Page 3
3. Grievance Procedure, Page 3
4. 504 Policy, Page 5
5. Non-discrimination Policy, Page 5
6. ESEA Notices (formerly NCLB), Page 5
7. Family Engagement Policy, Page 6
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) certain rights with respect to the students education records. They are: (1) The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the school system receiving a written request for access. (2) The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believe are inaccurate or misleading. The school system will notify the parent or eligible student of the right to and procedures for a hearing if the district decides not to amend the record as requested. (3) The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent; one exception which permits disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interest. A school official is a person employed by the school system as administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff members (including health and Medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom the District has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist: or a parent of student performing his or her tasks). A school official has a legitimate interest if the official needs to review and education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility.
Types of Information
The school system maintains a number of different records in various locations. Essentially, these records contain eleven (11) categories of information:
1. Attendance. 2. Scholastic record. 3. Group test results (a) academic achievement, (b) aptitude, (c) interest, (d) writing assessment. 4. Individual data (a) psychological record, (b) social case work reports. 5. Medical and dental health. 7. Student attitudes and behavior. 8. Discipline. 9. Emergency contact information. 10. Special testing results (speech & hearing screens). 11. Directory card information.
Directory Information
The following information regarding students is considered directory information: name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student.
Directory information may be disclosed by the Perry County School System for any purpose of its discretion, without consent of a parent of a student or an eligible student. Parents of students and eligible students have the right however, to refuse to permit the designation of any or all of the above information as directory information. In that case, this information will not be disclosed except with the consent of a parent or student, or as otherwise allowed by FERPA.
Any parent or student refusing to have any or all of the designated directory information disclosed must file written notification to this effect at the Perry County Board of Education on or before the 30th day of September, 2013. In the event a refusal is not filed, this institution assumes that neither parent of a student or eligible student objects to the release of the directory information designated.
Location and Authorized
The primary source of access to most records is the elementary or secondary school in which a student is enrolled. The principal is the authorized custodian for these records. Records pertaining to disciplinary hearings and suspensions are maintained in the Perry County Board of Education office. Special education records for active eligible students are located in the school where the student is enrolled and are maintained by the school principal. Inactive special education files are located at the Perry County Board of Education and are regulated by the Supervisor of Special Education.
A complete list of all records maintained, along with locations and authorized custodians, is on file at all Perry County Schools and is available for inspection.
Students who have been certified and determined eligible may receive special education services. This is to inform you of the range of special education services that are available through the Perry County School System.
1. RESOURCE CLASSES - available K-12 to provide services in the basic skills areas (reading, math, English).
2. SPEECH AND LANGUAGE THERAPY - available grades K-12 and preschoolers (3, 4 & 5 year olds).
3. ENRICHMENT CLASSES - the classes are made available to students who meet the criteria to be certified as intellectually gifted. An Honors Program is available at Perry County High School.
4. COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT CLASS and EXTENDED RESOURCE - available K-12 to provide comprehensive service in all academic areas.
5. HOMEBOUND SERVICES - available preschool through grade 12.
6. PRESCHOOL EDUCATION PROGRAM - available 3, 4 & 5 year olds. A FREE SCREENING CLINIC is also available each summer; however, referrals may be made at any time.
7. PSYCHOLOGICAL AND DIAGNOSTIC EVALUATIONS - these services are available for students who may be referred by teachers, principals, or parents.
These services are free to students who attend Perry County School System. If you need more information or know any child ages birth - 21 who may need special services, please contact the Perry County Board of Education, 857 Squirrel Hollow Dr., Linden, TN, 37096. Phone 931-589-2102.
Section 1
1. A “Grievance” is an alleged violation of any policy, procedure, or practice which would be prohibited by Title VI, Title IX, or Section 504
2. The term “grievant” includes any student or group of students of the Perry County School System who submit a grievance relevant to Title VI, Title IX, or Section 504.
3. The term “days” shall mean any school attendance day and shall exclude Saturday, Sunday, or any holiday.
Section 2
1. Step One
Efforts must first be made by the grievant to resolve the differences with the person or persons responsible for such alleged discrimination or mistreatment.
2. Step Two-Principal
In the event a complaint cannot be resolved as provided in (1) above, the grievant must contact the Title VI, Title IX or Section 504 Coordinator who will make arrangements for the grievant to present the grievance orally to the principal of the school. The Coordinator must be contacted within three (3) school days after a solution has been attempted and failed or seven (7) school days after the alleged discrimination or mistreatment. Within five (5) school days after presentation of the grievance, the principal or immediate supervisor shall orally answer the grievance to the grievant and the Coordinator.
3. Step three-Director
a. Within five (5) days of the oral answer, if the grievance is not resolved, it must be submitted in writing to the Coordinator and signed by the grievant. A copy will be submitted to the Office of the Director of Schools.
b. The grievance shall (1) name the employee or student involved, (2) state the specific nature of the grievance and (3) indicate the specific relief.
c. The Director with the Coordinator present shall hear the grievance within ten (10) school days after a receipt of any written grievance properly filed with the Director’s office and shall render the decision in writing ten (10) days after such hearing.
d. The grievant and/or person accused of discrimination of mistreatment may bring legal counsel or an advisor to the hearing. Legal counsel will not be permitted to speak for their client and may act only in an advisory capacity.
e. The grievant, the respondent and the Coordinator shall be furnished a copy of the decision of the Director.
4. Step Four-Board of Education
a. If the grievance is not resolved in step two, the grievant may notify the Coordinator of his/her intent to appeal to the Perry County Board of Education. This must be done within ten (10) school days of receipt of the Director’s answer. The Coordinator shall arrange a date for the hearing before the Board of Education and notify the grievant, the respondents and the members of the Board. This shall be done no later than (10) days after the notification of appeal.
b. The Board shall render its decision in writing within (10) school days after such hearing.
c. The grievant, the respondent, the Director and the Coordinator shall be furnished a copy of the Board’s decision.
d. The decision of the Perry County Board of Education shall be final. The grievant seeking further relief must resort to the Courts.
Section III
Failure To Observe Time Limits:
In the event the grievant fails to exhaust the remedies under the grievance procedure provided above, or to abide by the time limits with respect to each step, the grievance shall be presumed to be abandoned. In the event that the respondent, or any party obligated to answer the grievant, fails to give its answer to any step within the time limits prescribed, the grievant shall have the right to proceed immediately to the next step. Any time limit may be extended by the Coordinator.
Section IV
Effect of Settlement
Any settlement of a grievance shall be applicable to that grievance only and shall not be binding authority for the disposition of any other grievance. The above grievance procedure shall be available to any student or teacher of the Perry County School System.
Section V
a. No record of the grievance shall be entered in the permanent files of the student or employee.
b. Records shall be kept of each grievance and will be confidential
c. No person shall be subject to discharge, suspension, discipline, harassment, or any form of discrimination for having used or assisted others in using the grievance process.
The Perry County School System provides special education and related services, and special accommodations to children who are disabled. Under state and federal laws, public schools are required to provide a free, appropriate, public education to all children who are disabled between the ages of three and twenty-two, and may not, on the basis of disability, discriminate against these children.
The memorandum is part of an effort to locate and serve those children who may need special education and related services, and/or accommodations. If you know of a child, three to age twenty-two, who may qualify for, and is not receiving available services, please call or write: Gil Webb, 931-589-2102, 504 Coordinator.
Transfer Option of Students Victimized by Violent Crime at School
Under the Tennessee State Board of Education’s Unsafe School Choice Policy, any public student who is the victim of a violent crime as defined under Tennessee Code Annotated 40-38-111(g), or the attempt to commit one of these offenses as defined under Tennessee Code Annotated 39-12-101, shall be provided an opportunity to transfer to another grade-level appropriate school within the district. Additional information regarding this option may be obtained by contacting Eric Lomax, Director of Schools at 931-589-2102.
It is the policy of the Perry County School System not to discriminate on the basis of sex, race, nation origin, creed, age, marital status, or disability in its educational programs, activities, or employment policies as required by Title VI and VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the 1971 Education Amendments, and Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1978.
It is also the policy of the district that the curriculum materials utilized reflect the cultural and racial diversity present in the United States and the variety of careers, roles, and lifestyles open to women as well as men in our society. One of the objectives of the total curriculum and teaching strategies is to reduce stereotyping and to eliminate bias on the basis of sex, race, ethnicity, religion and disability. The curriculum should foster respect and appreciation for the rights, duties and responsibilities of each individual as a member of a pluralistic society.
Inquiries regarding compliance with Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504 may be directed to:
Nelda Hinson, 589-2102, - Title IX
Gil Webb, 589-2102, - Section 504
Nelda Hinson, 589-2102, - Title VI
Address for all contacts: Perry County Schools
857 Squirrel Hollow Dr.
Linden, TN 37096
· A parent who wishes to request that their child’s name, address, and telephone number not be released to a military recruiter must do so in writing to the appropriate school principal at the beginning (prior to September 1) of each school year.
· Parents will be informed of their child’s eligibility for service in specific programs (if applicable) including : Title 1-Part A; Migrant-Title 1-Part C; Homeless-Title 1-Part D; Title III
· Parents may request professional qualifications of their child’s classroom teacher and/or paraprofessional at the beginning of each semester by contacting the Perry County School System Supervisor of Instruction at 931-589-2102.
· According to the No Child Left Behind Highly Qualified requirements, the parent will receive written notification if the student is assigned to a teacher employed over four weeks who does not meet highly qualified requirements.
· Parents of children in school identified for school improvement (if applicable) by the State Department of Education will receive written notification of right to choice, supplemental services and more effective involvement.
The Perry County School District has developed this Family Engagement Policy thru a collaborative effort of parents, students, civic leaders, and school personnel. This policy will meet State and Federal guidelines under the No Child Left Behind requirements.
Policy and Law Descriptive
The Perry County School District agrees to implement the following requirements that have been issued from the NCLB federal mandate, Tennessee Code Annotated, Elementary Secondary Education Act, and Title I, Part A. Policy Guidance came from Title I, Part A (4/23,2004), State of Tennessee-Public Acts Section 1 of Tennessee Code Annotated, Title 49, Chapter 2, Part 3, amended by Section 49-2-305, and Section 118(a) (2) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA).
· The involvement standards have been developed to:
· Specify what needs to happen at the district, school, classroom, and home levels;
· create expectations necessary for success;
· increase and improve the family member involvement in their child’s education;
· create a common vision of family involvement across the district;
· improve communication for all four level
The school district will operate by the definition of parental involvement or family engagement. Schools are responsible for the implementation of programs, activities, and procedures.
By Definition
Family engagement and/or parental involvement means the active two-way communication with families that is regular, timely, and meaningful; carry out activities as described in NCLB, Title I, ESEA, board policy, etc.; inform family and parental organizations of the purpose and existence of the Resource Center; and encourage parents to be actively involved in their child's education at school. Being an integral part of their child's success, the parent, when appropriate, will: assist in decision making and on advisory committees, be an encourager to their child, and be supportive to the school.
The Board shall implement the following as required by federal and state legislation. The School District will: a) put into operation activities and procedures for the involvement of parents in all of its schools with meaningful consultation; b) incorporate activities and strategies that support the family and community engagement policy into its Title I Schoolwide Plan. The plan will: 1) include procedures by which parents may learn of their child's learning material and course of study; b) include strategies designed to improve parent participation and teacher cooperation in homework, attendance, and discipline; c) include parent comments if not satisfactory to the parents; d) to the extent practicable, shall provide full opportunities for the participation of parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children, including providing information and school reports in an understandable and uniform format and including alternative formats upon request, and, to the extent practicable, in a language parents understand; e) shall appoint a Family and Community Advisory Council that will annually assess, through consultation with parents, the effectiveness of the Family and Community Engagement Program and determine what actions need to be taken, if any, to increase parental and community participation. In order to accomplish this, each Advisory Council shall be composed of representatives from parents of students in elementary, middle and high schools, community leaders, business leaders, a member of the school board, and representatives from the school district; f) shall ensure Title I schools are in compliance with the Elementary and Secondary Education act (ESEA).
The Perry County School System agrees to implement the following requirements: 1) The Perry County School District will take the following actions to involve parents and the community in the joint development of its district-wide parental involvement plan under section 1112 of the ESEA, and in the process of school review and improvement under section 1116 of the ESEA: a) Advisory Committee meetings; b) parent surveys; c) newsletters; d) home visits; e) parent/teacher conferences; f) annual school meetings. 2) The Perry County School District will coordinate and integrate parental involvement strategies in the following programs: Head Start, Title I Reading, Accelerated Reading, by: a) home visits; b) parent training techniques; c) advisory council meetings; d) school visits/open house; e) surveys; f) newsletters; g) progress reports; h) all programs scientifically-based researched applied; i) professional development. 3) The Perry County School District will provide technical assistance; professional development and other support to assist schools in planning and implementing effective parental involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance: a) advisory committee; b) central office staff; c) consultants (regional/private); d) resources (TEA, LRE, etc.). 4) The Perry County School District will further coordinate and integrate parent involvement strategies under the following programs: Head Start, Special Education Preschool, and Grant-funded preschools: a) advisory council meetings; b) surveys; c) newsletters; d) school visits; e) home visits. 5. The Perry County School District, with involvement from the community and parents, will conduct an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of this parent involvement policy. The evaluation should identify barriers to participation and involvement. Areas of concern are: economically disadvantages, limited English proficient, racial/ethnic minority background, and at-risk students. Policy will be revised, if necessary, after findings have been discussed and reviewed. A) Process of evaluation: annual surveys, Advisory Council, newsletters, annual meetings, comments/feedback; b) Parent/community Evaluations: completion of surveys, attend meetings/parent conferences, attend annual meetings, attend school policy meetings, participate in developing, implementing, and revising parent involvement policy; c) Responsible parties: Advisory Council, Head-Start Director, School principals/staff, community leaders, Federal Program Director, Central Office staff. 6) The Perry County School District will improve parent and community engagement by creating support and a partnership among the schools involved in order to improve academic achievement. The following activities will be incorporated: a) With assistance from the schools, the school district will provide training and materials to help parents work with their children to improve academic performance; such as Reading and Math Intervention, Accelerated Reading, Accelerated Math, using technology, science fairs, and Family Reading Night, as appropriate, to foster involvement by: newsletters, progress reports, annual meetings, home visits/phone calls, training sessions, proper technology training, school specific training. b) With assistance from the schools, the school district will provide appropriate avenues for parents and community to familiarize themselves with topics that affect the academic success of their children. Topics may include: TCAP testing, grade-level content standards, grade-level requirements, monitoring, alternate/state/local assessments, parent/teacher collaboration, parent/community engagement meetings, workshops, annual meetings, newsletters/newspaper articles, professional development. c) The Perry County School District will provide opportunities for staff, teachers, and support personnel to attend programs that train personnel in proven methods that will improve parents and community engagement: staff development, professional development, and institute training. d) The school district will coordinate efforts with community agencies to aid in the development of a community resource center to integrate parent involvement programs into Head Start, Preschool, and other programs, and solicit more participation into their child's educational well-being; advisory meetings, newsletters, program visits, local paper articles and pictures, continuous feedback (communication), and local training. e) The School District will take steps to inform parents, progress, and other stakeholders of meetings and other related activities. To the extent feasible, information will be sent out timely, uniformly, practicable, and in a language that parents can understand: newspaper, newsletter, progress reports, district web page, and phone center.